Shetphal is a village in the Mohol taluka of Solapur district in Maharashtra state, India. According to Census 2011 information, the location code or village code of Shetphal village is 562192. It is situated 24km away from sub-district headquarter Mohol and 69km away from district headquarter Solapur. As per 2009 stats, Shetphal village is also a gram panchaya…
Shetphal is a village in the Mohol taluka of Solapur district in Maharashtra state, India. According to Census 2011 information, the location code or village code of Shetphal village is 562192. It is situated 24km away from sub-district headquarter Mohol and 69km away from district headquarter Solapur. As per 2009 stats, Shetphal village is also a gram panchayat. The total geographical area of village is 3089 hectares. Kurduvadi is nearest town to shetphal for all major economic activities, which is approximately 22km away.