REMEMBERING BOB UECKER: He cast the widest net any baseball announcer ever could There's also his legendary run as a spokesman for Miller Lite, with Uecker starring in so many commercials for the ...
One unopened can of Miller Lite. As news spread of Uecker’s death ... More: Celebrate the life of Bob Uecker with this special collector's book They felt like they did. “I think what makes ...
This story was excerpted from Adam McCalvy’s Brewers Beat newsletter. To read the full newsletter, click here. And subscribe ...
In the ’90s, he teamed up with Bob Costas and Joe Morgan for the World Series. From there, Uecker reached most households as one of the Miller Lite All-Stars in popular commercials for the beer ...
(Gray News/AP) – Milwaukee Brewers icon and baseball Hall-of-Famer Bob Uecker died Thursday ... He became one of the Miller Lite All-Stars in popular commercials for the beer brand and later ...
For a backup catcher with limited physical talent, Bob Uecker enjoyed a larger-than ... of immensely popular beer commercials for Miller Lite starting in the 1980s. Among the ads' stable of ...
The Milwaukee Brewers are working closely with Hall of Fame broadcaster Bob Uecker's family on a summertime event to honor Mr. Baseball.
Bob Uecker, a former baseball catcher ... He also appeared in multiple 1980s Miller Lite commercials. Uecker played the character George Owens in the ABC sitcom, “Mr. Belvedere,” which ...