Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s Green River Region will host a series of public open houses and a final public meeting to ...
Game wardens with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation do a lot more than track law breakers who hunt without licenses, poach game or fish out of season, so talk about budget cuts may be ...
Zadeh said it was shortly before 1 p.m. when deputies were called to assist after a fish and game warden tried to tranquilize the big cat. The officer had fired a dart — but missed. And the ...
For some people, the outdoors is an obstacle to get from the house to the car. For local game warden Bob Carochi, it’s a way ...
Even though almost everyone they interact with has a weapon, game wardens with the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission are trained to employ a light touch as they enforce the rules of hunting and ...
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game said in a news release that wardens believe the elk was shot in the nighttime hours of Jan. 9 and 10 near the bottom of Moon Pass Road at Placer Creek ...
South Cody game warden Grant Gerharter has moved to the new role of wildlife supervisor for the Wyoming Game and Fish Cody Region.
Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s Casper Region will host a series of public meetings to present and discuss the proposed ...