Constructor University has entered a new phase of strategic growth. The Board of Governors recently confirmed new members from the fields of Physics, Chemistry & Computer Science, as well as Higher ...
The Technical University of Darmstadt is expanding its portfolio of large-scale interdisciplinary research equipment with a special addition: the state-of-the-art humanoid robot ‘TALOS’. There are ...
At a press conference hosted by Heidelberg University Hospital on March 7, 2025, representatives from the fields of clinical ...
For over 50 years, it has been known that in the cerebral cortex of many mammals, neurons with the same function are grouped into columns. Now, for the first time, researchers at the Max Planck ...
Researchers at the University of Cologne have identified a specific form of the tau protein that is responsible for mediating the toxicity of harmful protein clumps in human neurons and thus ...
Home > Pressemitteilung: Milestone in Neurosurgery: New Method ... < Dr. Carolin Kubelt-Kwamin, Björn Brändl, Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Müller, Christian Rohrandt, (f. l.) UKSH ...
Home > Press release: Academy President Christoph Markschies ...
Home > Pressemitteilung: Researchers at the University of Jena ...
In a study on quantum technologies titled “Quantum Technologies and Quantum Ecosystems” a team of authors from Fraunhofer ISI is investigating the potentials, research activities and innovation policy ...
To become infectious, HIV has to undergo a maturation process. This involves the HIV-1 protease (a viral enzyme), that cuts up Gag into six smaller proteins including the capsid protein and the matrix ...
The second edition of our CISPA Display has been released. This publication summarizes selected research findings from the past year and provides in-depth insights into current developments in ...