In line with the agreement signed in November 2024, Endesa Generación acquired the entire share capital of Corporación Acciona Hidráulica, which holds a portfolio of hydro plants for a total installed ...
Rome, February 19th, 2025 - Enel S.p.A. (“Enel”) and its subsidiary Enel Finance International N.V. (“EFI”) signed today a committed, revolving, sustainability-linked credit facility for an amount of ...
Il portafoglio di impianti detenuto da CAH è composto da 34 centrali idroelettriche, localizzate nel nord-est della Spagna, per una capacità installata complessiva di 626 MW, la maggior parte ...
Roma, 19 febbraio 2025 – Enel S.p.A. (“Enel”) e la sua società controllata Enel Finance International N.V. (“EFI”) hanno sottoscritto oggi una linea di credito committed revolving “ ...
non è residente né situato negli Stati Uniti; non è una “U.S. person”, secondo la definizione della Rule 902 del Regulation S ai sensi del Securities Act del 1933 degli Stati Uniti, ivi incluso, a ...
Selective capital allocation to maximize riskreturn profile while enhancing flexibility and resiliency of the Group. About 26 billion euros in Grids (+40% compared to the previous Plan), of which ...
Welcome to Enel Grids, a global leader in electricity distribution that ensures the supply of electricity through efficient, resilient, and digital Grids. The resilience of energy Grids is crucial for ...
If you look at our history, you’ll have no doubt about where we're headed. From our beginnings in Italy, our journey has always been dedicated to the future. Enel (originally "Ente Nazionale per ...
We are committed to actively shape a better tomorrow, looking beyond the present. We reduce environmental impact with clean, innovative and responsible energy solutions, ensuring a better world for ...
Each of our four commitments is essential but we can only create value for society if we address them together. We are accelerating the energy generation of the future, the process of decarbonizing ...