Colombian guerrillas took 29 soldiers and police hostage during a gun battle in a key cocaine-growing region, the government ...
United Nations conference on biodiversity that ran out of time last year, resumed its work Tuesday in Rome with money at the top of the agenda.
The second round of the UN Biodiversity Conference, COP16, concluded in the early hours of Friday, February 28 in Rome, with an agreement to raise the funds needed to protect biodiversity.
The sequence contained a promising new genetic tool for modifying DNA, a CRISPR. Editas Medicine, a Massachusetts-based ...
Planning a trip to Colombia? Consider factors like safety, clothing, and weather precautions for a smooth journey.
Where some saw an imperfect compromise, other attendees apparently left the talks in disgust. In published reports, for ...
The talks in Colombia known as COP16 yielded some significant outcomes before ... But two weeks turned out to be not enough time to get everything done. The Cali talks followed the historic 2022 COP15 ...
The original COP16 summit in Cali, Colombia, was suspended without any ... freshwater and marine areas by 2030, known as the 30x30 target. It also contains targets to phase out subsidies that ...
Bioeconomy is a core pillar of economic transformation in Indonesia's National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025–2045, ...