Aquila, a rescued golden eagle, was grounded after captors in Tunisia clipped his wings, but after months of rehabilitation ...
Since 1979, the numbers of these huge birds of prey have dropped by 50%, and they’re disappearing from the shrubby habitat of ...
After setting the trap, they settle into a nearby blind for a long, cold wait. Golden eagles used to breed in the ...
Aquila, a rescued golden eagle, was grounded after captors in Tunisia ... and other animals increasingly fall victim to poaching, habitat loss and extreme weather.
Aquila, a rescued golden eagle, was grounded after captors in Tunisia ... and other animals increasingly fall victim to poaching, habitat loss and extreme weather. Run by about 40 conservationists ...
Golden eagles used to breed in the Northeastern U.S., but suffered from habitat changes, and the lingering effects of the insecticide DDT. Erynn Call, a raptor biologist with the Maine Department ...
The golden eagle, scientific name Aquila chrysaetos ... while droughts and other climate-related changes shrink its habitat, according to IUCN. Aquila was seized from a private owner in July ...
After months of rehabilitation, the golden eagle "Aquila" was released into the wild from the peak of Mont Sidi Zid in ...