Analysis by the Congressional Budget Office released this week showed the GOP's budget goals could not be reached without ...
Gov. Brad Little should veto House Bill 345, which is on its way to his desk, having passed the Idaho House and Senate with ...
We begin a four-part series examining how children with complex medical needs are fairing after losing Medicaid in the ...
Kentucky has one of the nation's highest Medicaid match rates. Cuts to the program could have devastating effects, health ...
All four of Utah’s congressional representatives voted for a federal budget framework that health care advocates worry could ...
Experts say Medicaid cuts would drive more Alaskans to emergency care, increase healthcare costs for all, and could harm the ...
If my son lost his Medicaid, he would not be able to continue residing in our home because he requires one-to-one, 24-hour ...
Potential Medicaid cuts could devastate America’s teetering rural health-care system and jeopardize Republicans’ political ...
Indiana lawmakers say SB 2 is in an effort to reduce rising health care spending, which has outpaced state revenue. That’s ...
Florida terminated Medicaid coverage for more than one million people once the COVID-19 emergency declaration was ended.
Medicaid is a health insurance program that covers about one in five people across the country. What would possible cuts mean in Minnesota?
Lt. Gov. Randy McNally pointed out he reprents not only Oak Ridge, but part of Knox County where there are failing schools.