Seychelles, an archipelago of 115 islands serves as a strong voice for small island states through its environmental ...
We speak with Susan Garder, director of UNEP’s Ecosystems Division, about what can be done to encourage more women to enter – ...
UNEP and Sierra Leone launch a pioneering e-mobility initiative: introducing electric three-wheelers (e-kekes) in Freetown to ...
The upcoming UNEP-IETC Global Dialogue & Youth Day: Circular Economy Model of Waste Management is a high-level biennial conference, organized by the United Nations Environment Programme’s ...
The Paris Agreement in 2015 introduced the concept of a Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA), a parallel to the global mitigation goal aimed at limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C. Unlike mitigation, ...
Keep up to date on the latest adaptation news through the GAN Newsletter! This edition covers a range of themes, from the use of AI in adapting to climate change to the launch of phase II of the ...
Engaging with and serve as a platform for the large network of the Global Framework on Chemicals – For a Planet Free of Harm from Chemicals and Waste stakeholders and sectors, proactively encouraging ...
أمريكا الشمالية غنية بالحياة البرية والتنوع البيولوجي والجمال الطبيعي. وكانت المنطقة أيضا رائدة عالميا في ابتكار السياسات والعمل بشأن ...
وحيد القرن الأسود هي جزء من النظام البيئي - شبكة حية - حيث تعتمد كل جزء فيها على الآخر. اكتشف سبب أهمية النظم البيئية الصحية والتنوع البيولوجي ...
La Stratégie méditerranéenne pour le développement durable (SMDD) 2016-2025 fournit un cadre politique intégratif pour toutes les parties prenantes, y compris les partenaires du PAM, afin de traduire ...