Five years ago today, then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that he had tested positive for coronavirus. The Prime Minister, who was experiencing mild symptoms at the time, shared the news with ...
It was five years ago today that then Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the UK would be going into lockdown. People were ...
You what? I said to my team in Number Ten, as they explained the origins of Covid. What did you say they were doing? Yuk, I said. Yuk and triple yuk. As they described the practices in Wuhan ...
It’s been five years since the UK was plunged into lockdown amid a surge in Coronavirus cases. The Government - at the time ...
It was five years ago today that then Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the ... Addressing the nation, Mr Johnson told viewers coronavirus was "the biggest threat this country has faced ...
Five years ago this week, then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson solemnly ordered Brits into lockdown in a televised address to the nation — an unprecedented step that came as Covid-19 raged around the ...
Five years ago tomorrow the dishevelled figure of Boris Johnson appeared on our TV screens ... 16 months of on-off ­lockdowns, during which Covid claimed more than 230,000 lives, devastated ...
Let’s look back. Britain was fatally unprepared for the pandemic as Boris Johnson took the reins as Prime Minister, and his approach in the early days of Covid was typically unserious.
Boris Johnson ’s approach to the pandemic was arguably ... And despite a genuinely major success in speeding through the first COVID vaccine, Mr Johnson was resistant, slow to act and utterly ...