Planning a trip to Colombia? Consider factors like safety, clothing, and weather precautions for a smooth journey.
Colombian guerrillas took 29 soldiers and police hostage during a gun battle in a key cocaine-growing region, the government ...
We must learn from Indigenous communities if we want to deploy the best strategies for stopping climate and biodiversity ...
The sequence contained a promising new genetic tool for modifying DNA, a CRISPR. Editas Medicine, a Massachusetts-based ...
The terminations of one nonprofit’s nutrition programs alone place nearly 21 million people, including 11 million children, ...
Where some saw an imperfect compromise, other attendees apparently left the talks in disgust. In published reports, for ...
Bioeconomy is a core pillar of economic transformation in Indonesia's National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025–2045, ...
At the groundbreaking of the Cali Colombia Temple, Elder Jorge T. Becerra said local Latter-day Saints will “achieve greater ...
Cali, Colombia – Under lush trees drooping with moss and vines, Carlos Hernando Molina whistles as he approaches a herd of ...
NOAA operates 21 weather offices around the U.S., which inform air traffic controllers about weather changes like icing, ...