La represión Nicaragua parece no tener fin y se recrudece semana a semana. La última víctima del régimen es el excomandante revolucionario Henry Ruiz, mejor conocido como Comandante Modesto.
El Catatumbo, la deshumanización del conflicto y la desideologización de los actores armados. Lo sucedido en El Catatumbo llevó a una guerra atípica ...
La persecución e imposición de arresto domiciliario a Henry Ruiz, el antiguo ‘Comandante Modesto’, se suma a la represión de ...
El presidente de Colombia, Gustavo Petro, aseguró este miércoles que los disidentes de las FARC actúan como un "ejército ...
Former Sandinista commander Henry Ruiz, 81, is under house arrest in Nicaragua as Ortega’s regime targets critics. Read the latest on this crackdown.
El gobierno de Nicaragua puso al excomandante sandinista Henry Ruiz, de 81 años, bajo arresto domiciliario en Managua, ...
Since March 8, three patrols and dozens of officers have been maintaining a police cordon around the house of former FSLN ...
The riot squads and the hooded “voluntary police” are the shock forces of the regime to squash any internal dissent.
(Reuters) - Nicaragua announced on Thursday it would withdraw from the United Nations Human Rights Council, following a UN report that urged the international community to address human rights ...
Ortega first served as president from 1985 to 1990 as a former guerrilla hero who helped oust the US-backed Somoza regime, and returned to power in 2007. Nicaragua has jailed hundreds of opponents ...