Lex Luger, WWE and Miss Elizabeth

Professional wrestling legend Lex Luger has broken his silence about accusations that he was responsible for the death of his ...
Advertising and pro wrestlers go hand in hand, as wrestlers are celebrities. Here are products that the following WWE ...
Former WWE Superstar Lex Luger and DDP have become very close friends, and "The Total Package" has revealed how DDP has ...
Lex Luger was eventually rescued when the hotel door was broken down. He was later taken to a hospital where he underwent treatment.
Many fans viewed Ric Flair as the heart and soul of WCW since he was the biggest star when the promotion launched. Flair ...
Wrestling veteran Lex Luger has commented on Vince McMahon's reaction to the famous 1994 WWE Royal Rumble spot. Unexpectedly, ...
Lex Luger has miraculously stood up from his wheelchair without help for the first time. The former WCW World Heavyweight ...