U.S. Navy Vice Admiral Ted Carter (retired) came closest—to date anyway—of reaching Brown’s record, hitting 2,016 traps during a 38-year career. Carter is also noted for making carrier landings on 19 ...
During the early years of jet-powered flight, the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy extensively invested in the development of ...
Newsweek's weekly update maps the locations of 12 aircraft carriers in the Indo-Pacific region as of February 28.
The USS Tripoli will replace the USS America as the US's forward-deployed big deck amphibious ship in the Indo-Pacific and it ...
With a thunderous bang, a Navy F/A-18 slammed onto the deck of the USS Carl Vinson on Feb. 16, snagging a steel wire with its ...
China has the largest navy in the world by hull count with over 370 vessels, including two aircraft carriers in service. Last ...
The aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman returned to the Middle East this week after a stay at a Navy base in Greece for ...
Read about a U.S. Navy contract awarded to General Dynamics NASSCO for shipyard availabilities and related maintenance support for aircraft carriers.
This post has been updated to clarify comments from Matt Paxton on government oversight in shipyards. The Navy’s culture of ...
One of the last technical advantages U.S. aircraft carriers have over their Chinese counterparts is close to dissolving. Deep ...
An Overview To help address its conventional military industrial disadvantages, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been ...
Posts sharing a digitally created video of an Air Force One plane inaccurately describe it as a real flyby conducted by U.S.