Take this quiz to test your knowledge on some forgotten Hoops attackers!
Today’s picture quiz is all about some of them, where we’ve tasked you to pick out 20 forgotten Hoops departures over the ...
Danny McGrain led the Celtics’ captaincy during a pivotal period in club history. McGrain demonstrated intelligence, his ability to play full-back with toughness, and displayed strategic gameplay and ...
At Ibrox, that kind of investment will be off the scale in terms of cost due to the age of the stadium. So again, if that’s ...
For this evening’s quiz, I’m going to focus on four in particular, starting with our 5-1 win over Rangers 1872 on November ...
I read Keith Jackson’s latest piece upon his return from holiday in the Record this morning. If I’m being honest, it left me scratching my head. I just can’t take this guy seriously, which leads me to ...
Well, whatever challenge there might have been coming from Bazza and Hun Direction, it fizzled out like a wet fart at Ibrox yesterday. I think it’s safe to say, they will not catch Celtic and Rodgers ...