White Tide | Rock Wall Brewing Company - BeerAdvocate
Review below is of the 'new' Aldi beer, labeled as "Rock Wall Brewing Company, Rochester, NY" (a ghost company for FIFCO/Genesse). Appearance: Deep, dark yellow body lacking milky body or hazy appearance Wits often do; this is obviously filtered. Foam head is medium-light and not as strong as other Wits. Head retention is slightly above average.
Pils Legende | Wernesgrüner Brauerei AG | BeerAdvocate
Picked this up at an Aldi's in Florida while on a trip. I can't fault it too much considering the low cost - 2 L for $6 (4 500mL cans). The appearance is excellent. I wish there was a little more aroma, but what I'm getting smells like a German pilsner malt. The taste is dry and refreshing, which makes the mouthfeel refreshing as well.
ALDI beer knockoffs | Community - BeerAdvocate
Aug 14, 2020 · Looks like it and other Aldi brews are brewed by Octopi brewing in WI, which is contract/branding focused. The owner of Octopi is also a co-owner of Untitled Art with Levi Funk. The owner of Octopi was previously co-owner of 5 Rabbit in Chicago, before being booted amid a slew of lawsuits.
Independence Harbor | Custom Tap Brews - BeerAdvocate
Purchased at Aldi's for $7.99 for a 6 pack. LOOK: Pours a very clear Amber with a slightly off white loose head that surprisingly lingered for a while and maintained some sudsy side glass lace. AROMA: Definitely pick up the honey. Sweet and malty with some caramel. TASTE: Consistent with the nose. Honey amber ale. FEEL: Very thin but crisp and ...
Holland Lager 1839 | Swinkels Family Brewers - BeerAdvocate
Purchased as a six-pack of 12oz bottles from Aldi for $7.99. Poured into a nonic pint glass. L - Clear pale yellow, with a one-finger pale white head. Head retains relatively well over time. S - Light toast. Biscuit. A bit floral. T - Matches nose exactly. More bready than I expected. A bit on the sweet side. Light grain finish.
Steinhauser (for Aldi) | Dortmunder Actien Brauerei / DAB
Steinhauser (for Aldi) is a German Pilsner style beer brewed by Dortmunder Actien Brauerei / DAB in Dortmund, Germany. Score: 83 with 10 ratings and reviews. Last update: 05-27-2022.
Cerveza Monterrey | Cervecería Centro Americana, S.A.
Jul 29, 2012 · Cerveza Monterrey is a American Adjunct Lager style beer brewed by Cervecería Centro Americana, S.A. in Guatemala City, Guatemala. Score: 70 with 66 ratings and reviews. Last update: 02-13-2025.
Maguires Draught Stout | State of Brewing - BeerAdvocate
Taste is pretty much just like the aroma, but there's also a bit of nuttiness noticeable in the flavor too. Mouthfeel/body is light/medium, it's a bit smooth and creamy with a moderate amount of carbonation. I liked this brew overall, for the price I really can't complain at $7.99 a six pack, Aldi USA purchase. Worth a try if you come across some!
Brecken Hefeweizen | State of Brewing - BeerAdvocate
BOTTLE from an Aldi in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 5% ABV. Faint banana phenol up front. Clove, orange peel, coriander, wheat. Ticks the boxes it needs to and keeps it balanced. Estery and spicy without going over-the-top. A far better hefeweizen than I …
Chocolate Lava Cake Stout | State of Brewing | BeerAdvocate
Chocolate Lava Cake Stout is a English Stout style beer brewed by State of Brewing in Waunakee, WI. Score: 89 with 23 ratings and reviews. Last update: 02-11-2025.